Jay Klaus
40 years of experience in technology solutions for air emission control and reduced energy consumption:
Thermal oxidation options
VOC - NOx - HAP's - PM 2.5
Ultra-Low NOx < 1ppmv
Destruction Rate Efficiency 99.9999%
RTO-regenerative thermal oxidizer
Venturi and packed column scrubbers
Acid gas removal: SO2, HCl, HR, HBr
Ammonia and heavy metals removal
Dioxins and Furans removal
Heat recovery-recuperation heat exchangers
HRSG-heat recovery steam generators
Firetube and watertube boilers
Waste heat boilers
Boiler economizers
Hot oil heat exchangers
Heating/cooling coils
ORC electrical generation
Ductwork and dampers
Enclosed ground flares for landfill, digesters, and biogas applications
Odor controls-carbon adsorption
Process reviews for energy utilization
Field erected storage tanks